
Centers' Staff

Dr. Kristina Toderich

Position: Head of Regional Office for CAC

Email: k.toderich [at]


Publications List

(including one monography, a few Journal paper; Book chapter , Conference papers and Abstracts)


  1. Toderich K.N., Ismail S, Juylova E.A., Rabbimov A. R., Bekchanov B, B., Shyuskaya E.V., , Gismatullina L.G. , Osamu Kozan & Radjabov T. , 2008 . New approaches for Biosaline Agriculture development, management and conservation of sandy desert ecosystems. In the book: Biosaline Aghriculture and Salinity Tolerance in Plant: Chedly Abdelly, Munir Ozturk, Muhamad Ashraf & Claude Grignon eds.: Birkhauser, Verlag/Switzerland: 247-264
  2. Shuyskaya E.V., Matsuo N., Toderich K.N., Sunada K., Gismatullina L., Radjabov T., Ivanova L.A., Ronjina D.A., Ivanov L.A., Voronin P.Yu., Black C.C. Carbon 13C Isotope Discrimination with The C3 and C4 Photosynthesis Under Soil Salinity Stress. // Материалы международной научной конференции «Физико-химические основы структурно-функциональной организации растений». Екатеринбург, Россия, 6-10 октября 2008, с.28-29.
  3. Shuyskaya E.V., Matsuo Naoko, Toderich K.N., Kengo Sunada, Voronin P.Yu., Gismatullina L.G., Aralova D., Rajabov T. Carbon isotope analysis of plant vegetation of salt-affected desert rangelands in Central Asia.// Abstracts of the international Conference on “Learning from the desert: from constraint to an asset”. Douz, Tunisia, 13-16 November 2008, p. 78.
  4. Gismatullina L.G, Shuyskaya E.V., Toderich K.N. (Гисматуллина Л.Г., Шуйская Е.В., Тодерич К.Н.) Taxonomical value of the qualitative pallinological parameters of annual species of genus Salsola (Chenopodiaceae) (Таксономическая значимость количественных палинологических параметров у однолетних видов Salsola (Chenopodiaceae)) // «Uzbek biological journal» (Узбекский биологический журнал). Tashkent, 2008, № 6, p. 32-36
  5. Sri Wahyuni, Satoru OISHI, Kengo SUNADA and Toderich K.N, 2008. „The estimation of the groundwater storage and its distribution in Uzbekistan “Proceedings of Round Table Meeting “Strategies for marginal water/land use and salinity control in the Aydarkul-Arnasay Lakes System and southwestern Kyzylkum Desert” , ICBA/ICARDA/University of Yamanashi (Japan). ICARDA, Tashkent: p. 20-26
  6. Kristina Toderich, Surat Yusupov, Margarita Wilgelm & Khursheda Khamdova, 2008. Integrated water/land and plant resources management for improvement income of rural agropastoralists in the Aydarkul-Arnasay Lakes Ecosystems (AALE). Proceedings of Round Table Meeting “Strategies for marginal water/land use and salinity control in the Aydarkul-Arnasay Lakes System and southwestern Kyzylkum Desert” , ICBA/ICARDA/University of Yamanashi (Japan). ICARDA, Tashkent: p. 5-12
  7. Kristina Toderich, Timur Yunusov, Kate Juylova, Lilya Gismatulina and Abdullo Rabbimov. 2008. Domestication of underutilized wild fodder and medicinal halophytes for Improvement of Degraded desert Rangelands and better livelihood of agropastoralists in Central Asia. International Symposium “Underutilized plant Species for food, nutrition, income and Sustainable Development”. Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha,Tanzania.
  8. Kristina Toderich, Surat Yusupov, Margarita Wilgelm & Khursheda Khamdova, 2008. Integrated water/land and plant resources management for improvement income of rural agropastoralists in the Aydarkul-Arnasay Lakes Ecosystems (AALE). Proceedings of Round Table Meeting “Strategies for marginal water/land use and salinity control in the Aydarkul-Arnasay Lakes System and southwestern Kyzylkum Desert” , ICBA/ICARDA/University of Yamanashi (Japan). ICARDA, Tashkent: p. 5-12
  9. Kristina Toderich, Tsuneo Tsukatani, Ismail Shoaib, Igor Massino, Margarita Wilhelm, Surat Yusupov, Tadjiddin Kuliev and Serdar Ruziev. Extent of salt-affected land in Central Asia:Biosaline Agriculture and Utilization of the salt affected resources. 2008. Discussion Paper № 648. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. p.1-36.
  10. Toderich K.N., Massino I., Shoaib I., Tsukatani T., Khujanazarov A., Rabbimov A., Kuliyev T., Boboev H., Aralova D., Usmanov S.. 2008. Utilization of Agriculture Residues and Livestock Waste in Uzbekistan. Discussion Paper № 651. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
  11. Tsukatani T., Toderich K., Goldstein R.I.,2008. Uranium mine Aftermath and Yangiabad Expedition in Uzbekistan. Discussion Paper № 647. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
  12. Ф.М. Турсунходжаева, И.Д.Шамьянов, А.М.Нигматуллаев, Т.Р.Юнусов, К.Н.Тодерич. 2008. Аллелопатическая функция терпеноидов видов подрода Seriphidium (bess) rouy рода Artemisia L., произростающих в Узбекистане. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Терпеноиды: достижения и преспективы применения в области химии, технологии производства и медицины». Караганда, Казахстан.
  13. Шамьянов И.Д., Турсунходжаева Ф.М., Мухаматханова Р.Ф., Закиров С. Х., Нигматуллаев А.М., Тодерич К.Н. 2008.Адаптивная роль вторичных метаболитов растений рода Artemisia. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Терпеноиды: достижения и преспективы применения в области химии, технологии производства и медицины». Караганда, Казахстан.


  1. Sri Wahyuni, Satoru OISHI, Kengo SUNADA, Toderich K.N. and Gorelkin N.E. 2009. Analysis of water-level fluctuations in Aydarkul-Arnasay-Tuzkan lake system and its impacts on the surrounding groundwater level. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol 53:35-42
  2. Kristina Toderich , 2009. Genus Salsola of Central Asian Flora: its structure and evolutionary trends. University of Tokyo of Agriculture and Technology. Degree Number: 280, Japan: 200pp.
  3. Toderich K.N., Shuyskaya E.V/., Ismail Sh., Gismatullina L., Radjabov T., Bekhchanov B.B. & Aralova D. Phytogenetique Resources of halophytes of Central Asia and their role for rehabilitation of sandy desert degraded rangelands. J. Land Degradation and Development : 20:1-11
  4. Voronin P.Yu., Black C.C. A Halotolerant C3-, C4- Plant Local Biodiversity from Turan Deserts Mainly Depend of Soil Properties. (Эдафический аспект биоразнообразия галофитных видов Туранских пустынь с С3 и С4 типами фотосинтеза.)// ГОДИЧНОЕ СОБРАНИЕ ОФР РОССИИ МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «Физико-химические механизмы адаптации растений к антропогенному загрязнению в условиях Крайнего Севера». Апатиты, Россия, 7–11 июня 2009
  5. Toderich K.N., Shuyskaya E.V., Ismail S., Gismatullina L.G., Radjabov T., Bekchanov B.B., Rabbimov A. R. Phytogenic resources of halophytes of Central Asia and their role for rehabilitation of sandy desert degraded rangelands // Journal of Land Degradation and Development: 20:1-11
  6. Toderich K.N., Shuyskaya E.V., Ismail Shoaib, Voronin P.Yu., Aralova D.B., Black C.C. Evaluation of Biosaline Agriculture Technologies Related to Marginal Resources Utilization and Climate Change in Central Asia. // Материалы VIII-го международного симпозиума «Новые и нетрадиционные растения и перспективы их использования». Москва, Россия, 22-26 июня, 2009
  7. Шуйская Е.В., Тодерич К.Н., Воронин П.Ю. Генетический полиморфизм и стратегия адаптации Kochia prostrata (Chenopodiaceae) в условиях аридного стресса. // Материалы конференции «Устойчивость организмов к неблагоприятным факторам внешней среды», Иркутск, 24-28 августа 2009
  8. K.N. Toderich & Ismail Shoaib, 2009. “Agro-silvipastoral model for improvement productivity of marginal salt affected lands in the Aral Sea Basin”. Second World Agroforestry Congress for salinity control and land rehabilitation. , Nairobi, Keniya (under consideration)
  9. Toderich K.N., 2009. ICBA Research and Development in IDB Member Countries with reference to Central Asia. Regional Workshop on the consulting sector in Central Asia.,Tashkent Uzbekistan
  10. Dildora Aralova, Elena Shuyskaya, Timur Khujanazarov & Kristina Toderich.2009. Assessment of Halophytic Vegetation to Improve Livestock –Feeding Resources on Saline Desert Rangelands. J. Annals of Geomatics (in press)

Presentations at the symposiums and Conference

  1. Toderich K.N,.2009. Advances in biosaline agriculture development with reference to Central Asia, Seminar Marginal Quality Water Utilization in Agriculture with Special Reference to Central Asia. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
  2. Toderich K.N.2009. Contribution to the solution of water issues in Central Asia. International Symposium Global COE Program “Contributing to the solution of water issues in Asia through human resources Development”. January 28-30, University Yamanashi, Japan.
  3. Toderich K.N. 2008. Integrating biosaline agriculture technologies into dryland management system in Central Asia. International conference on “agricultural research competence for Central Asia and Caucasus-10 years of CAC Program 1998-2008”, 16-20 September, 2008. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  4. Тодерич. 2008. Галофит усимликларининг озукабоплик хусуиятлари. Фермерлар куни, «Маданият» ш/х, 2-сентябр.
  5. Шуйская Е.В., Матсуо Н., Тодерич К.Н., Гисматуллина Л., Раджабов Т., Иванова Л.А., Ронжина Д.А., Воронин П.Ю., Блэк K.K. «Эдафический аспект биоразнообразия галофильных видов туранских пустынь с с3 и с4 типами фотосинтеза». 2009. , Международная конференция по изменению климата, Якутск, Россия


  1. Hasan Boboev: “Assessment of new technological options for enhancement of fodder production of salt-affected desert rangelands to better livelihood of rural poor agro-pastoralists in Uzbekistan”. MEXT, Japan at the Tsukuba University
  2. Aralova Dildora “ Cross scale vegetation patterns of Kyzylkum Desert under saline Environments”. Warsaw University , Poland, July-August 2009 (Student summer school –accepted)

ICBA Staff

Dr. Kristina Toderich Head of Regional Office for CAC k.toderich [at]

See also