Project Publications

Cashmere shedding and combing

Hamid Reza Ansari-Renani, Barbara Rischkowsky, Joaquin Pablo Mueller

Marketing of cashmere in Iran

Hamid Reza Ansari-Renani, Barbara Rischkowsky, Joaquin Pablo Mueller

Cashmere in IRAN

Hamid Reza Ansari-Renani, Barbara Rischkowsky, Joaquin Pablo Mueller, Sepehr Moradi

Improvement of cashmere from nomadic Raeini goat

Hamid Reza Ansari-Renani, Barbara Rischkowsky, Joaquin Pablo Mueller


Steps in Making Cashgora Yarn in Tajikistan

Liba Brent

Steps in Making Mohair Yarn in Tajikistan

Liba Brent

Tабигый боё боюнча методикалык колдомосу

Мастер-класс "Изготовление шелкового шарфа с войлоком в технике нуновойлок"

Мастер-класс "Изготовление двухсторонней ала-кийизной сидушки в технике "талдырма"

Мастер-класс "Изготовление теплого войлочного мужского шарфа"

Мастер-класс "Технология обработки шерсти и изготовления войлока"

Кроссбред жyнy жана анын сапатын жакшыртуу

Асанбек Сармашаевич Ажибеков

Crossbred Wool and its Quality Improvement (in Kyrgyz language):

The booklet provides characteristics of the semifine crossbred wool as a raw material for production of traditional national felt products as well as discusses ways for its quality improvement.

Улучшение качества тонкой шерсти овец (Советы фермерам)

Д. Чебодаев, А. Ажибеков

Fine Sheep Wool Quality Improvement. Recommendations for Farmers (in Russian)

The booklet is about improvement of the breeding and productivity traits in Kyrgyz mountain Merino sheep breed. It gives the background information about the mentioned breed. Then major factors affecting the wool quality such as sheep feeding and husbandry conditions as well as systematic breeding work are discussed in the booklet. Major traits of sheep wool including fiber length, fiber fineness, crimp, solidity, extensibility, elasticity, color, luster, and grease are also described in the booklet to explain how they contribute to the overall sheep wool quality.


Икромов Ф., Давлаткадамов К., Давлатов Х., Институт животноводства ТАСХН, Барбара Рачковская, Л. Брент, ИКАРДА

Prepared for publication: “Productivity Traits of the Pamiri Crossbred Goats Using the Altay Cashmere Breed of Goats Imported from Russia”. Ikromov F., Davlatqadamov Q., L. Brent, B. Rischkowsky, ICARDA. Reports of TAAS, 2013 (in Russian).

The article provides review of breeding activities conducted within the IFAD/ICARDA fiber project in the Badakhshan autonomous province of Tajikistan. According to recent data, the participating farmers managed to obtain 465 Altay crossbred kids from imported Altay bucks in 2013 being the maximal progeny for last three years, 2011-2013. The article provides a comparative analysis of major productivity indicators of parent Altay bucks and their progeny born in 2011 and 2012. It concludes that rural livelihoods can be improved and sustained through improved breeding in fiber producing goats and involving women to fiber processing.


Икромов Ф.М., Давлатов Х., Давлаткадамов К.

Methods of Improvement of the Productivity Traits in Pamiri Goats. Ikromov F., Davlatov Kh. and Davlatqadamov Q. Collected papers of the Livestock Institute at TAAS, “Breeding and Technological Methods of Productivity Improvement in Livestock, Poultry, and Bees”, Dushanbe, 2013, pp.156-158 (in Russian);

The paper is about the research activities on cashmere goat production conducted within the IFAD/ICARDA fiber project in the Badakhshan autonomous province of Tajikistan. It provides characteristics of the Pamiri goats as well as describes the Altay goat breed. The paper discusses the implemented breeding program by referring to the data on offspring obtained from mating local does with the imported Altay bucks and comparing major productivity traits of the parent breeds and their progeny.

Дастуру тавсияњо ба бузпарварон

Икромов Ф.М., Давлатов Х., Давлаткадамов К.

Recommendations for Goat Producers on Issues of Breeding and Technology. (Ikromov F., Davlatov Kh. and Davlatqadamov Q.). Dushanbe, Er-graph, 2013, 48 pgs. (in Tajik language);

Introduction provides general information about importance of goats for livelihoods and geographic distribution of various goat breeds (incl. mohair, cashmere, dairy and local Tajik breeds) in the world. Introduction also specifies methods of age identification according to teeth of an animal and measuring of the live weight in home condition.

Chapter “How to select goats?” explains that such traits as exterior of an animal, productivity indicators of parent goats are used to select the best goats. Chapter “Goat feeding and husbandry conditions” describes the best way of organizing stalls for goats including the appropriate construction materials. The following chapters further provide information on goat feeding rations taking into account goats’ productivity and age, major forage types, mating and kidding of goats, main husbandry practices, and disease prevention and treatment of goats.


Икромов Ф., Давлаткадамов К.,Давлатов Х., Институт животнводства ТАСХН; Л. Брент, Барбара Рачковская, ИКАРДА

Utilization of Breeding in Development of the Pamiri Cashmere Goats. Ikromov F., Davlatov Kh. and Davlatqadamov Q., L. Brent, B. Rischkowsky, ICARDA. Proceedings of the Republican Workshop of the Livestock Institute at TAAS titled “Breeding is a Basis for Development of Livestock Production”, Dushanbe, 2013, pp.156-158 (in Russian);

The article describes the field research activities on cashmere goat production conducted within the IFAD/ICARDA fiber project in the Badakhshan autonomous province of Tajikistan. It provides characteristics of the Pamiri goats and the Altay goat breed. The paper discusses the implemented breeding program by referring to the detailed data on offspring obtained from mating local does with the imported Altay bucks in 2011 and 2012. It concludes that the imported genetic material is crucial for improvement of fiber quality in cashmere goats.

Embryo Transfer in Sheep and Goats (Перенос эмбрионов у овец и коз)

A training manual by Alejandro Gibbons and Marcela Cueto.

Artificial Insemination in Goats (Исскуственное осеменение коз)

by Alejandro Gibbons, Marcela Cueto, Marina Wolff.