
Calendar of Events - 2010

October  2010
17 - 22 October The 7th International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal and the VIIth General Meeting of the FAO-ICARDA International Technical Cooperation Network on Cactus Pear Agadir, Morocco FAO – ICARDA
10 - 15 October 48th Board Meeting Ethiopia ICARDA
September  2010
19 - 23 September ACIAR-AusAID Iraq Project: Annual Reporting/Planning Meeting Aleppo, Syria ACIAR/IRAQ/ICARDA
July  2010
20 July Training workshop for project partners on methods of assessment of farmers’ satisfaction and adoption of proposed technologies along WPI project Andijan, Uzbekistan, Osh Kyrgyzstan and Khodjent Tajikistan IWMI and SIC ICWC
13 - 14 July Workshop on Regional Agricultural Information System of Central Asia and the South Caucasus Tashkent, Uzbekistan CACAARI, ICARDA-CAC, Tashkent Agrarian University
12 - 13 July Meeting of the CACAARI on Establishment of the Consortium of Agrarian Universities of Central Asia and the South Caucasus Tashkent, Uzbekistan CACAARI, ICARDA-CAC, Tashkent Agrarian University
9 July Farmer’s Day Tashkent, Uzbekistan AVRDC, ICARDA-CAC
June  2010
13 - 15 June 13th Annual Steering and Executive Committee Meetings for of the CGIAR Program for Central Asia and the Caucasus Ashgabat, Turkmenistan ICARDA-CAC
7 - 9 June International Conference on Highlands Agriculture Karaj or Kermansheh, Iran The Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture (AREO, SPII and Deputy for Plant Production) and ICARDA
1 - 4 June The 8th International Wheat Conference (IWC) St. Petersburg, Russia The Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/The N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry/ICARDA/CIMMYT/
May  2010
15 May Training Workshop for project partners on Extension and Advisory methods: Sharing Experience along WPI project Osh, Kyrgyzstan IWMI and SIC ICWC
9 - 13 May Training Workshop: on Farmer Participation and Seed Multiplication Aleppo, Syria ICARDA-BIGM
1 - 5 May Septoria-Hessian Fly Traveling Workshop Tunisia ICARDA/CIMMYT
April  2010
26 - 30 April The 5th International Food Legume Research Conference and 7th European Conference on Grain Legumes Antalya, Turkey ACIAR/ICARDA
25 - 30 April Septoria-Hessian Fly Traveling Workshop Morocco ICARDA/CIMMYT
23 - 27 April 47th Board Meeting Aleppo, Syria ICARDA
15 April Experience sharing tour for project stakeholders to Chu-Talas water management authority along IWRM Project Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan IWMI
5 - 8 April ICARDA Planning Meetings Aleppo, Syria ICARDA
March  2010
20 - 25 March Training workshops for the National partners on Agricultural Innovation Systems along SDC funded WPI project Andijan, Uzbekistan, Osh Kyrgyzstan and Khodjent Tajikistan IWMI and SIC ICWC
9 - 10 March Project Inception Meeting titled “Utilization of Wild Relatives of Wheat in Developing Salinity Tolerant Winter Wheat with Improved Quality for Central Asia Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA
7 - 17 March Training Course for Syrian Quarantine Staff: On Seed Health Aleppo, Syria ICARDA-BIGM
4 - 6 March Second International Conference on Economics of Drought and Drought Preparedness in the Mediterranean Istanbul, Turkey ICARDA/FAO/CIHEAM/ Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Turkey
4 - 8 March Barley Monitoring Workshop North West India ICAR/ICARDA
3 - 4 March Regional Conference on Food Security in the Arab World Partnering for a Sustainable Future Doha, Qatar IFAD/FAO/World Bank/ICARDA/Qatar University
3 - 4 March 5th National Steering Committee Meeting “In Situ/On Farm Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticultural Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia” project, Kazakhstan component Kazakhstan Bioversity International
February  2010
28 February ARIMNet Stakeholders Valencia, Spain ARIMNet/European Commission
22 - 25 February The 1st CAC Barley Strategy Workshop Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA-BIGM
22 February Project stakeholder workshop and PSC meeting for Water Productivity Improvement Project supported by SDC Tashkent, Uzbekistan IWMI and SIC ICWC
22 - 25 February Regional Training Workshop on “Linking information from Focus Group Discussion, Household Surveys, and Farm and Forest Assessment for Cultivated and Wild Fruit Tree Diversity in Central Asia” Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
21 - 23 February Afghanistan Ug99 Meeting Afghanistan ICARDA-Afghanistan
20 February Stakeholder workshop for IWRM Ferghana Project supported by SDC Tashkent, Uzbekistan IWMI and SIC ICWC
14 - 15 February CCER for IWLMP Aleppo, Syria ICARDA-IWLMP
11 February The Final Workshop of IDRC Project “Gendered Migration and Agriculture in the Dry Areas: Implications for Resource Management and Livelihoods in Syria” Aleppo, Syria IDRC/ICARDA-SEPRP
8 February The Steering Committee (SC) Meeting for the IPM/OF IFAD Funded Project for Iraq Amman, Jordan ICARDA/IFAD
8 - 9 February Workshop Preparation of the 4th Medicinal Plants Meetings IRA/Medenine, Tunisia IRA- ICARDA NARP
6 - 7 February Annual Technical Meeting for the IPM/OF IFAD Funded Project for Iraq Amman, Jordan ICARDA/IFAD
5 - 6 February Water Livelihood Initiative Kick-Off Meeting Amman, Jordan ICARDA
1 - 4 February International Conference on: “Food Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas” Amman, Jordan ICARDA, NCARE
January  2010
30 January - 5 February Workshop in Yemen will include FAO activities with Farmers Yemen ICARDA-BIGM/AREA
25 - 29 January Wheat Genetics Training for Uzbekistan Wheat Researchers Karshi, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC
20 January ARC (Libya)/ICARDA Executive Committee Meeting Tripoli, Libya ICARDA
18 - 19 January ARC (Libya)/ICARDA Steering Committee Meeting Tripoli, Libya ICARDA
13 - 14 January Final Workshop on Qatar National Food Security Program Doha, Qatar Government of Qatar/ICARDA/IFPRI
10 - 12 January Technical Coordination & Steering Committee Meetings of the Date Palm Project Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain ICARDA and the MOAMA of the Kingdom of Bahrain

See also