
CGIAR Research Program "Dryland Systems"

Knowledge synthesis, generation, packaging and dissemination (knowledge platform) of sustainable land management practices in Central Asia


A knowledge dissemination initiative of the Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) in Central Asia. Disseminating and promoting the use of successful sustainable land management technologies and practices, resulting from CACILM and other initiatives.

For further info please visit /projects/cacilm and


  1. Enhance the CACILM knowledge management component for facilitating widespread dissemination of SLM technologies and approaches,
  2. Improve agricultural systems for enhanced productivity and sustainability, and promote climate change adaptation approaches and technologies

Geographical Location(s) including the Action Sites:

The Project activities are implanted in Central Asia, carried out throughout the region to pilot and up-scale ready to matured and ripe technologies and approaches, regions including:

  1. Aral Sea Region (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan)
  2. Rasht Valley (Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan)

Main activities:

Gender Dimension:

CACILM produces new and useful information for farmers male and female and decision makers to improve sustainable land management

Research Outputs:

  1. Fifty most promising SLM technologies and approaches are selected and 4-to-8 are prioritized using criteria for selection to target 4 agro-ecosystems (rainfed, rangelands, irrigated, mountain).
  2. Selected 4-to-8 SLM technologies and approaches described and presented in standard format using WOCAT template.
  3. Five similarity country-level maps for each SLM where selected technologies and approaches can be applied.
  4. Calibration of 1 downscaling model of Climate Change and 10 trained national staff.
  5. Development of a single web-based SLM knowledge platform.
  6. Series of training events, including:
    • 15 specialists trained in GIS to apply similarity criteria for upscaling of selected SLM technologies
    • 10 national specialists trained in downscaling of the global climate change models to regional scale
    • Stakeholder workshop and SLM technology evaluation
    • Capacity building in access to and dissemination of knowledge

Research Outcomes: