Involved Countries: Uzbekistan
Project Fund: ˆ 100.000
Project Donor(s): BMU
Project Duration: 2011-2013
Project Partners: ICARDA
The project “Improving Local Institutions (through pastoral user groups) for Better Coordination of Common Rangelands Use and Management in Uzbekistan: An Environmental Governance Approach” is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU) within the International Climate Change Initiative based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The project establishes Pastoral User Groups (PUG) and introduces technological and social innovations which support growth of a broader range and a higher amount of forage. Free grazing is controlled within the project. Systematic seasonal grazing management will be introduced and enhanced by various workshops. Grazing management will be supported by the establishment of seed isles protected by iron fence and by social fence respectively. The seed isles at various sites on the rangelands will contain seeds of different perennial rangeland species and shall assure that seeding can take place even in years with overgrazing. The fenced seed isles on the rangelands itself will also prevent loss of forage species.