
Calendar of Events - 2015

December  2015
8 December Presentation on Seed Potato Value Cain Analyze in Tajikistan. Dushanbe, Tajikistan CIP Tashkent office
November  2015
20 - 25 November Regional workshop for training of national coordinators of the Regional Agro-information system on the basis of the CAC center at Tashkent State Agrarian University Tashkent, Uzbekistan TSAU, ICARDA
18 - 20 November Regional Meeting: Evaluation of the current status of action plan’s implementation of the Tashkent International Conference on implementation of the most important reserves of Food Program in Uzbekistan and conferences on agricultural research for development in the countries of the CAC region Tashkent, Uzbekistan MAWR, TSAU, FAU, ICARDA
9 - 11 November The Eighth Steering Committee Meeting of the Network for Vegetable Research and Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus Tashkent, Uzbekistan AVRDC
October  2015
20 - 29 October International Field reconnaissance expedition on review of halophytic plants in Mirzachul and Kyzylkum Deserts Navoi, Bukhara regions, Uzbekistan Government of Uzbekistan
12 October Cooking Quality testing of potato CIP clones the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable-Melon and Potato Crops, Tashkent, Uzbekistan CIP Tashkent office and Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable-Melon and Potato Crops
September  2015
15 - 27 September Visit of scientists from Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) to Central Asia countries CA Countries Bioversity International
14 - 18 September 6th GFRAS Annual Meeting Issyk kyl, Kyrgyz Republic GFRAS
14 - 16 September Meeting of the national partners of the project on "Conservation of genetic resources of horticultural crops in Central Asia for their diverse and sustainable use" Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
August  2015
18 - 19 August Crops Diversification for Improving incomes and nutrition of rural communities in Aral Sea Basin Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan ICBA, AVRDC, ICARDA
May  2015
11 - 14 May IRT Meeting on Dryland Systems Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA
7 - 8 May Current status of yellow rust resistant winter wheat varieties and their deployment in Central Asia and the Caucasus Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA and Kashkadarya Research Institute of Grain Breeding and Seed Production
5 - 7 May Workshop on “Beans with Benefits: Integrating improved mungbean as a catch crop into the Dryland Systems of South and Central Asia for increased smallholder farmer income and more sustainable production systems” Tashkent, Uzbekistan AVRDC
April  2015
21 - 23 April Workshop on regional partnership for food security and nutrition enhancement in Central Asia Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICBA
February  2015
20 February Cultivation of new kind of potato crops and water saving techniques in conditions of Samarkand Province and Fergana Valley Andijan and Samarkand Andijan and Samarkand Agricultural Research Institutes
17 - 18 February Annual meeting KM in CACILM II Almaty, Kazakhstan ICARDA
January  2015
26 January Improving water use efficiency through innovative technologies in irrigation and farming in cereals, potatoes, vegetables, horticultural and fodder crops Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA, PFU

See also