
Calendar of Events - 2012

September  2012
10 September International workshop “Introduction, conservation and use of plants of Central Asia” Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies, Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
4 - 6 September 15th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the CGIAR Regional Program for Central Asia and the Caucasus Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan CGIAR-PFU and Ministry of Agriculture of Kyrgyz Republic
4 - 7 September Farmers’ Field Day Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA, AVRDC, National University, Oliy Majlis, khokimiyats, partners
August  2012
24 August National Planning Meetings of Wheat Improvement in Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC
20 - 21 August Collaborators’ Meeting on Winter Wheat Improvement for Salinity Tolerance and Quality Urgench, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC
15 - 16 August International conference on results of implementation of the Project on agrobiodiversity conservation in Tajikistan Dushanbe, Tajikistan Bioversity International, Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Training Center on Priority Crops
July  2012
13 July Training workshop on “Organization of household farms, cooperatives and associations” Dushanbe, Tajikistan Bioversity International, Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Training Center on Priority Crops
June  2012
18 - 19 June Mobile workshop “Conservation and use of nut-forest crops and their wild relatives” Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, Training Center on nut-fruit crops
12 - 14 June CGIAR Research Program 1.1 "Dryland Systems" Regional Inception Workshop for Central Asia and the Caucasus Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA
May  2012
21 - 25 May National training workshop “ Application of technologies of molecular markers in PGR researches” Samarkand, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, National Training Center on molecular markers
18 May Republican scientific practical conference “Distribution and conservation of fruit crops and their wild relatives” Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, Tashkent State Agrarian University
18 May Workshop in the Bostanlyk Agricultural College “Integration of Education, Science And Production In Colleges” Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA, AVRDC, National University, Oliy Majlis, khokimiyats
18 May Training “ Access of Women to scientific achievements and innovations” Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA, AVRDC, National University, Oliy Majlis, khokimiyats
18 May “Issues in conservation of agrobiodiversity, its role in development of agricultural sector, achieving in food security and environmental sustainability” Samarkand, Uzbekistan Samarkand Agricultural Institute jointly with the Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and Bioversity International
14 - 17 May CRP1.1 Regional Inception workshop for Central Asia and the Caucasus Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA/PFU CGIAR
13 - 14 May “Sorghum and Pearl Millet for Crop Diversification Improved Crop-Livestock Productivity and Farmers Livelihood in Central Asia” project workshop Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC/ICBA/ ICRISAT
12 May Media-tour with students of Tashkent State Agrarian University to wild fruit forests Sidjak forestry of Bruchmulla forest enterprise , Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants
10 - 11 May Wheat Breeder’s Traveling Seminar – Karshi, Gallaral, Kibray in Uzbekistan Karshi, Gallaral, Kibray, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC and Uzbek Scientific Production Center
March  2012
30 March Training workshop on “Technology of cultivation and reproduction of local varieties and forms of pistachio and walnut” Dushanbe, Tajikistan Bioversity International, Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Training Center on Priority Crops
29 March Training workshop for workers of reserves, forest enterprises, farmers on “The technology of growing and regeneration of local variety of fruit crops and their wild forms, documentation of traditional knowledge and agrobiodiversity assessment, marketing, fruit products and the fundamentals of economics in use of genetic plant resources of local varieties of fruit crops and their wild forms” Petrovka village, Chuy region, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
29 - 30 March "Participatory Varietal Selection of Potato with the Mother & Baby Trial Design" Course and Planning Workshop Tashkent, Uzbekistan CIP - Tashkent, Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of vegetables, cucurbits and potato
28 March Improved potato varieties and water management technologies to enhance water use efficiency, resilience, cost-effectiveness, and productivity of smallholder farms in stress-prone Central Asian environments Tashkent, Uzbekistan CIP - Tashkent
27 March Republican meeting on further development of horticulture and viticulture Almaty, Kazakhstan Bioversity International, Ministry of Agriculture of RK, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of RK, Institute of horticulture and viticulture
27 - 29 March Training Course on IPM and Grafting of Vegetable Crops Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA/AVRDC, Tashkent State Agrarian University
19 March 7th National Steering Committee Meeting of UNEP/GEF-Bioversity International project Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Bioversity International National project Implementation Unit, Institute of Deserts , Flora and Fauna
13 March 7th National Steering Committee Meeting of UNEP/GEF-Bioversity International project Dushanbe, Tajikistan Bioversity International, Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Training Center on Priority Crops
12 - 17 March Training workshop on natural regeneration of pistachio Badkhyz, Turkmenistan Bioversity International, Institute of Deserts , Flora and Fauna
12 - 16 March Training Course on Vegetable Production Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA/AVRDC/ UzRIVMC&P
2 March Training workshop on exchange of experience between farmers and local population Bosteri, village, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
2 - 7 March Training workshop on conservation of agrobiodiversity of almond and fruit crops Kara-kala, Turkmenistan Bioversity International, Institute of Deserts , Flora and Fauna, Makhtumkuli research and scientific center of PGR
1 March Agro-theatre performance Baktuu-Dolonotu village, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
1 March Demonstration of video-film on agrobiodversity to local population of project site Baktuu-Dolonotu village, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
February  2012
27 - 29 February Workshop on Exchange of International Nurseries in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Past Achievements and Future Prospects Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC
22 February Training workshop on cutting fruit tress Talgar and Enbekshikazakh districts of Almaty region Bioversity International, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
20 - 25 February Training workshop on storage and processing fruit crops Koytendag, Turkmenistan Bioversity International, Institute of Deserts , Flora and Fauna, Scientific Research Institute of Farming
15 February 7th National Steering Committee Meeting of UNEP/GEF Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants
14 February Coordination Committee Meeting Baktuu-Dolonotu village, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
9 February Training workshop on “Development of proposals for strengthening legislation on PGR conservation” Dushanbe, Tajikistan Bioversity International, Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Training Center on Priority Crops
9 February Training workshop on “Current state of nut-fruit forests and form diversity of walnut. Introduction and acclimatization of walnut in the North Kyrgyzstan” Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies, Regional Training center on Walnut
8 February Training workshop on “Forming and cutting of trees of local varieties of fruit crops” Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
8 - 9 February Training workshop for researchers and teachers of institutes of higher education, and certain farmers on documentation of plant genetic resources Almaty, Kazakhstan Bioversity International, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
7 February Training workshop for farmers, foresters and researches “Methodic of economic assessment of forests” Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies, Regional Training center on Walnut
6 February Coordination Committee Meeting Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
3 February Training workshop for workers of reserves, forest enterprises, farmers on “The technology of growing and regeneration of local variety of fruit crops and their wild forms, documentation of traditional knowledge and agrobiodiversity assessment, marketing, fruit products and the fundamentals of economics in use of genetic plant resources of local varieties of fruit crops and their wild forms” Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
2 - 3 February Final Workshop on “Climate change adaptation in Central Asia and PRC” Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA
January  2012
30 - 31 January Training workshop for researches, postgraduates, students, workers of reserves, forest enterprises, farmers and horticulturists-amateurs on “The technology of growing and regeneration of local variety of fruit crops and their wild forms, documentation of traditional knowledge and agrobiodiversity assessment, marketing, fruit products and the fundamentals of economics in use of genetic plant resources of local varieties of fruit crops and their wild forms” Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies Kyrgyz National Agrarian University

See also