
Calendar of Events - 2011

December  2011
20 December Meeting of National Project partners in Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants
20 - 21 December Summarizing the results of WPI-PL project for II phase 2009-2011 Tashkent, Uzbekistan IWMI, SIC ICWC
November  2011
21 - 26 November Regional training on PGR and germplasm enhancement Dushanbe, Tajikistan ICARDA-CAC
October  2011
13 October IV Steering Committee Meeting on “Central Asia and the Caucasus Vegetable Research and Development Network” Tashkent, Uzbekistan AVRDC-CAC
11 - 13 October Review and Planning Meeting on Vegetable Variety Selection and Adoption in Central Asia and the Caucasus” Tashkent, Uzbekistan AVRDC-CAC, PFU-CAC Program
3 - 4 October Regional conference: “Diversity, characterization and utilization of plant genetic resources for enhanced resilience to climate change” Baku, Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Genetic Resources Institute, FAO, CIMMYT and ICARDA
September  2011
29 - 30 September Brainstorming meeting with involvement policy makers from CAC region to discuss the regional strategy Tashkent, Uzbekistan GFAR, CACAARI, PFU-CGIAR
26 September Meeting of researchers from Uzbekistan and ICARDA-CAC Tashkent, Uzbekistan Uzbek Scientific Production Center and ICARDA-CAC
23 - 24 September Socio-economic issues of conservation and use of biodiversity of fruit crops in Central Asia Almaty, Kazakhstan Bioversity International, Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agricultural Complex and Development of Rural Territories
20 - 22 September 14th CGIAR-CAC Steering Committee Meeting Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC
3 - 4 September Regional Workshop and Steering Committee Meeting of IFAD-ICARDA Grant Project: Improving Livelihoods of Smallholders and Rural Women through Value-Added Processing and Export of Cashmere, Wool and Mohair Kyrgyzstan or Dushanbe, Tajikistan ICARDA-CAC
August  2011
24 - 25 August National training workshop on legislation with participation of government representatives Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
24 - 25 August National training workshop for decision makers Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
23 - 26 August International Conference on “Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity of fruit crops and wild fruit species” Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants
8 - 9 August Meeting of national partners from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, ZEF and ICARDA Urgench, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC and ZEF
1 - 8 August National training workshop for specialists of Natural reserves on documenting traditional knowledge on local varieties of fruit crops and wild fruit species and analyzing them for agro biodiversity assessment Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
1 - 14 August National training workshop for researchers and trainers on documenting and assessment of traditional knowledge on local varieties of fruit crops and wild fruit species Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
July  2011
29 July - 5 August National training workshop for farmers, local population, forestry specialists on assessment and characteristics of local varieties of fruit crops Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
29 July - 5 August National training workshop for farmers, local population, forestry specialists on methods for promoting natural regeneration of wild fruit species and traditional methods for selection of promising varieties Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
29 - 30 July National training workshop for specialists of Natural reserves on methods of conservation and multiplication of wild fruit species and promoting conservation of them in their natural habitat Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
29 - 30 July National training workshop for specialists of Natural reserves on methods for promoting natural regeneration of wild fruit crops Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
28 - 31 July National training workshop for specialists of Natural reserves on marketing of nut crops products for forestry Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
28 - 31 July National training workshop for farmers, local population, forestry specialists on methods for promoting natural regeneration of wild fruit species and traditional methods for selection of promising varieties Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
25 - 29 July Farmers’ Associations in Garm, and Faizabad Tajikistan CIP-CAC
19 - 21 July Training Course on “The Evaluation of Superior Vegetable Varieties” Tashkent, Uzbekistan AVRDC-CAC, Uzbek Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato
18 - 22 July Farmers’ Field Day: Participatory selection Osh, Kyrgyzstan CIP-CAC
18 - 22 July Regional Workshop on “Mountainous apricot orchards in Zarafshan valley of Tajikistan” Khujand, Tajikistan Bioversity International, Sughd branch of Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences
15 July National training workshop on documentation and assessment of traditional knowledge local varieties of apple, pear, apricot and grapes Almaty, Kazakhstan Bioversity International, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
15 - 20 July National training workshop for farmers, local population, forestry specialists on basics of Economics in use of plant genetic resources and effective farming Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
15 - 20 July Round Tables with farmers and local communities on conservation of local varieties of fruit crops and wild fruit species Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
15 - 20 July National training workshop for exchange of experience between farmers and local population Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
15 - 25 July National training workshop for farmers, local population, forestry specialists on technologies of cultivation and multiplication of fruit crops and wild fruit species Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
12 July Farmers’ Field Day: Participatory selection Tashkent region, Uzbekistan CIP-CAC
7 - 8 July The Sixth Meeting of National Steering Committee in Kyrgyzstan within the Bioversity International / UNEP-GEF Project “In situ/On farm conservation and use of agrobiodiversity in Central Asia” Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
4 - 5 July Summarizing the results of WPI-PL (phase II) for I half year of 2011 Tashkent, Uzbekistan IWMI, SIC ICWC
2 - 3 July National training workshop for farmers, local population, forestry specialists on marketing of fruit crops products Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bioversity International, Kyrgyz Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies
June  2011
27 - 30 June Regional Workshop on Agrobiodiversity level and distribution Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
21 - 22 June CAC Preliminary Follow-up Experts’ Meeting with assembling an Expert Group involving 8 representatives, an international consultant and national consultant, for Synthesis National reports and drafting Regional strategy Tashkent, Uzbekistan GFAR, CACAARI, PFU-CGIAR
14 - 16 June Inception Workshop: Sorghum and Pearl Millet for Crop Diversification Improved Crop-Livestock Productivity and Farmers Livelihood in Central Asia Tashkent, Uzbekistan ICBA, ICARDA-CAC
6 - 11 June Pest Diagnostics Workshop for Central Asia Region Dushanbe, Tajiksitan Michigan State University, ICARDA, Tajik Academy of Agricultural Science, Tajik National University
6 - 8 June Regional Workshop on Public Awareness Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
May  2011
30 May Cooperation for Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in the Khujabakirgan River Basin: An Interactive Workshop Sughd, Tajikistan IWMI, Stucker Consulting
29 May - 5 June International winter wheat travelling seminar Turkey – Bulgaria - Romania
24 - 26 May Regional Workshop on reviewing Component 4 - Capacity Building Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
22 May Republican Conference for Young Scientists on “Current issues in conservation of fruit and forest crops and wild fruit species” Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Tashkent State Agrarian University
8 May Media tour to Sijjak Forestry Tashkent region, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants
2 - 4 May Regional Workshop on “Legislative framework of agrobiodiversity conservation and access and benefit sharing (ABS)” Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
April  2011
25 - 26 April Joint Training "Enhance CAC Agricultural Library Network's Access to Modern Information Resources Tashkent, Uzbekistan GFAR, GFID, CACAARI, PFU-CGIAR
13 - 15 April Regional Workshop on Socio-Economics Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
12 - 14 April Training in: - Conventional Potato seed production; - Establishment of trials in the field and observations; - Late Blight observations Tbilisi, Georgia CIP-CAC
5 - 6 April Training in: - Conventional Seed Potato Production; - TPS Garm, Tajikistan CIP-CAC
4 - 9 April Regional training on PGR conservation for the Caucasus Tbilisi, Georgia ICARDA-CAC
March  2011
28 March - 1 April Regional Workshop on Information and Communication Technologies Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International
23 - 25 March Training on data collection in field experiments Karshi, Uzbekistan ICARDA-CAC
18 March Training in: - Setting up potato trials; - Collection of data Tashkent, Uzbekistan CIP-CAC
10 - 12 March Annual Stakeholder Meeting along WPI-PL (phase II) project for discussion progress for 2010 and plan for 2011 Tashkent, Uzbekistan IWMI, SIC ICWC
February  2011
14 - 26 February Specialized Training Course in FIELD EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN ICARDA-CAC
9 February The Sixth Meeting of National Steering Committee in Uzbekistan within the Bioversity International / UNEP-GEF Project “In situ/On farm conservation and use of agrobiodiversity in Central Asia” Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bioversity International, Uzbek Research Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants
January  2011

See also